Contemporary dance - lessons for the public

Lessons are led by these artists:

7.2. - Cécile da Costa

14.2. - Zden Brungot Svíteková

21.2. - Andrea Miltnerová

28.2. Johana Pocková

6.3. - Lenka Kniha Bartůňková

13.3. - Ester Trčková

20.3. - Aneta Bočková

27.3. - Věra Ondrašíková

3.4. - Žaneta Musilová

17.4. - Radim Peška

24.4. - Natálie Vacková

15.5. - David Králík

22.5. - Ester Trčková

29.5. - Ester Trčková

Changes in the program reserved - current informations always on the web and FB.

Discover contemporary dance under the guidance of PONEC Theatre artists!

  • Contemporary dance is characterized by a distinctive blending of genres and a strong individual approach by each creator.
  • Each lesson is led by a different artist, each bringing a slightly different view of contemporary dance.
  • How many lessons you want to attend is up to you.
  • Lessons are intended for everyone who is not afraid to try something new
  • Lenght of a lesson: 1,5 h
  • You can buy tickets here


Important info: 

  • We kindly ask participants to come to the lesson on time. Due to great interest, any unused places after the start of the lesson will be resold. After the start of the lesson, entry to the theater is not allowed. Thank you for your understanding.
  • The lessons will be held in accordance with current government conditions and measures.

