Concept, choreography, performance:

Viktor Černický 


Lukáš Karásek 

Light design:

Zuzana Režná 


Drahomír Stulír 

In collaboration with:

PONEC – dance venue (CZ), BuranTeatr Brno (CZ), CNK Záhrada Banská Bystrica (SK), Stanica Žilina-Zariečie (SK), Théâtre De L‘arsenal ve Val-de-Reuil (FR),  CIRQUEON (CZ), Alfréd ve dvoře Theatre (CZ), Studio ALTA (CZ), Festival Bazaar (CZ), Pôtoň Theatre (SK), Festival Kiosk (SK), CSC – Centro per la Scena Contemporanea Bassano del Grappa (IT) 


Vojtěch Brtnický 


40 min.


11. 11. 2018, PONEC – dance venue 

Twenty-two conference chairs, obsessive rhythm and one determined man. A production that moves between installation, performance, dance and circus in an entertaining way shows that even objects of everyday life can be transformed into incredible pieces of architecture. PLI follows the Baroque philosophy of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, but the robustness and ostentatiousness of the time is replaced by the simplicity and minimalism of the scenic design.

PLI won the Main Award and the Spectators Award at the Czech Dance Platform in 2019 and was presented as part of the prestigious Aerowaves Spring Forward 2020 dance review in Rijeka, Slovenia!

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Photo: Vojtěch Brtnický
Photo: Vojtěch Brtnický
Photo: Vojtěch Brtnický
Photo: Vojtěch Brtnický
