We joined the Locals for Locals solidarity network

Gifts aren't just for your loved ones; everyone deserves joy in life. That's why in 2023, PONEC – dance venue partnered with the non-profit organization Místní místním (Locals for Locals), which opens up discussion and supports society in directly helping people in need and the homeless. We are now the 32nd company to grace the list of places in Prague 3 that welcome these people.


What does it mean? 

We offer individuals from shelters and families the gift of an artistic experience, providing them with the opportunity to attend performances they might not otherwise afford. This is made possible through solidarity-priced vouchers, which you can also subscribe to, thanks to our partnership with MM. By participating, you not only support those in need but also contribute to the project and the theatre.



What can you expect from the PONEC Theatre in the Solidarity Network:

  • the possibility of purchasing a donation ticket for the performance, for individuals (CZK 200) and families (CZK 300) – available at the box office of the PONEC Theatre and online at Darujme.cz
  • after purchase, you have the option to leave the tickets available online, physically at the box office, or personally donate them to someone in need within your area.
  • to verify the availability of donation tickets, please contact the box office via e-mail ponec@tanecpraha.eu
  • to verify barrier-free access to the theatre, do not hesitate to contact us before your visit at: ponec@tanecpraha.eu 


Thank you to Locals for Locals and we look forward to our collaboration.

