Post uit Hessdalen – Man Strikes Back (BE)


A creation of: Frederik Meulyzer, Ine Van Baelen & Stijn Grupping
Performance & live music: Frederik Meulyzer & Stijn Grupping
Choreography: Ugo Dehaes
Robotics: Edwin Dertien, Gertjan Biasino, Nick van Lange, Teun van der Molen & Ugo Dehaes Direction Ine Van Baelen
Lighting: Lucas Van Haesbroeck
Costumes: Sarah Demoen
With artistic contribution of: Aline Goffin, Jef Van gestel & Lander Van Noortgate
Distribution: Vincent Company& Temal Productions
Management: Klein Verzet
Coproduction: Miramiro, Tweetakt, C-mine & Theater op de Markt
With the support of: de Vlaamse Overheid & de stad Antwerpen
Thank you: hetpaleis & Zonzo Compagnie
Duration: 50 minutes
Age: +6

Man Strikes Back is a musical circus performance by people and robots, for people and robots of 6 years and older.

Man Strikes Back is a musical juggling performance. The masters of ceremony? Five wooden triangles, a juggler and a drummer. Stijn Grupping juggles by bouncing rubber balls from one object to another while musician Frederik Meulyzer picks up the rhythm with his drums. Together they compose musical harmonies and an intriguing web of lines created by the bouncing balls in motion. Everything depends on both the precision and strength of the juggler and the speed of reaction of the drummer.

Until the wooden triangles begin to mix and take up new positions. The concert develops into a fascinating choreography involving objects, juggler and musician. But who is directing whom? And who needs whom? Or is this an equally matched dance? Each triangle comes to life, revealing its own personality. But the livelier the triangles become, the more challenging it is for the juggler to keep the balls up in the air.


‘What starts out as a light display of bravura for young and old develops into an entertaining and moving multimedia time lapse of the struggle between humankind and technology. (…) Post uit Hessdalen’s performance “by humans and robots for humans and robots from age 6” is absolutely refreshing.’ Jacoba Waumans – UUR KULTUUR


The performance is part of the CIRKOPOLIS festival. The full festival programme can be found HERE.

