Choreography, performance:
Roni Chadash
Rehearsal manager:
Dana Shoval
Music and sound:
Adam Gorlizki
srpen 2016 .
Cena poroty MASDANZA 2019.
Running time:
20 min
No language barrier
Choreography, performance:
Eva Urbanová
Eva Urbanová
Aid Kid
Supported by:
Nová Síť
1st Prize Solo Dance Contest Gdańsk 2022; Audience Award Solo Tanz Theater Festival Stuttgart 2021
Running time:
20 min
An evening of two solos. Two dancers, two women’s bodies and two strong voices.
Does my own body even belong to me? Is body just something I don’t own, something that’s become so distant that I don’t even know how to connect with it? In her dark seance GOOFY, Roni Chadesh asks deep questions about objectification, the male gaze and violence with a considerable dose of sarcasm. Brilliant yet bone-chilling, the performance offers a searing reflection of the world in which we live.
My body belongs to me! A solo made of sticky gelatin and pink roses, dark moments and creepy faces. Eva Urbanová’s THE ESSENCE is a revelation of directness and artistic maturity. Through movement, she searches for a way out of a darkness full of doubts and prejudices. This elemental and meditative work set to the blue-violet music of Aid Kid.
The performance will be followed by a moderated discussion.
The performance is part of the BAZAAR festival.
Roni Chadash is an Israeli dancer, choreographer and educator. In 2014, her work went global through the video project Spineless, which quickly went viral. Chadash focuses on deconstructing the body, researching the individual movements and stereotypes it accumulates.
Eva Urbanová, originally from Slovakia, is a choreographer and dancer with a longstanding interest in the issue of women’s bodies and their emancipation. She works with current topics and relates to the human body in the context of social issues, structures and biases in which we live.