Movement-voice workshops for older people and seniors – open class

Besides fun physical activities, the movement-voice workshops for older people and seniors also offer new artistic experiences and the opportunity to spend free time with a group of likeminded people.

The workshops, which take place once a week from October to May, are open to all middle-aged and older people, no prior experience is required.

Not sure yet whether to sign up for regular lessons? Come try the movement-voice workshops first. You are invited to an open lesson on September 13 from 5 p.m. at the PONEC Theatre, suitable for people who are new to dance and more seasoned participants alike. It will include a screening of a short film with participants from last year, followed by a discussion - a space for further information, questions and feedback. Please reserve your place in advance.


Foto: Adam Mráček
Photo: Adam Mráček
Photo: Adam Mráček
Photo: Adam Mráček
Photo: Adam Mráček
