Karine Ponties is Frenchwoman living in Belgium since her days studying at the famous Mudra School, but for many Czech artists she has been an inspiring muse and mentor for years. She impressed the heads of Tanec Praha already in the late 1990s, when she introduced her first piece Dame de Pic with her own ensemble, which she founded in 1996. After that, she returned practically every second year with new pieces, including collaborations with local artists such as Jaro Viňarský and Pierre Nadaud, culminating in Mi non sabir as part of Trans Danse Europe. Their journeys have repeatedly intersected and opened explorations and interconnection of movement, light, design and music, attracting other Czech artists.
Tereza Ondrová. In 2006 she graduated at Music Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, Department of Dance Pedagogy. She is a founder of a dance ensemble VerTeDance within which she has so far created together with Veronika Kotlíková over 16 projects; three of them were awarded by the most prestigious award in the field of Czech contemporary dance: Dance Piece of the Year Prize (2005, 2012 and 2014).
In 2010, she was awarded „Dancer of the Year“ Prize. As a performer, she co- operated with DOT 504, Anton Lahký, Olga Cobos, Peter Mika, Nir de Vollf, Felix Ruckert, Thomas Steyaert and others.
Petra Tejnorová created several successful productions during her studies at DAMU. In 2008 she was nominated for the Alfréd Radok Award in the Talent category. She creates her own theatre projects and also directs pieces by others. She has long focused on documentary theatre, physical and auteur theatre, theatre research into various social and class levels. In her latest projects (NEVINA, NICK) she has focused on the live cinema genre, which brings together theatre and film.
She has appeared in the Dejvice Theatre, HaDivadlo, the New Stage of the National Theatre, Ponec Theatre, Archa Theatre, Divadlo Minor, Alfa Theatre, and in the venues Jatka 78, Alfred ve dvoře, Studio Alta or Roxy/NoD. Tejnorová's original works have been awarded not only in the Czech Republic, but also abroad. She has made two successful short films “The Book about a Plan” and with Tereza Ondrova “Hallo? Is anyone out there?”. She is also a teacher at the Department of Alternative and Puppet Theatre at DAMU in Prague.