Instante (FR) + Tricot (FR)

Compagnie 7Bis + Kirn Compagnie




Compagnie 7Bis 


25 min






Kirn Compagnie


Lucas a Théo Enriquez

Music composition:

Paul-Julian Quillier

Outside Eye:

Reynaldo Ramperssad


ESAC, Festival PerplX, Wolubilis, Cas du Cyrquem, Circada, La Roseraie, 30cc Louvain, Mairie de BillèreLe Sirque, pôle national des arts du cirque de Ne


30 min

Compagnie 7Bis – Instante 

“Across many civilizations, the sacred and the dance come together to express the rituals of life.” 
La Danse et le Sacré [Dance and the sacred], Elisabeth Zana

Every dance has one thing in common: the relationship with the circular. From the African “Tangos”, word used to describe a meeting place or a space to perform rituals, to the whirling Dervishes of the Sufi Muslim order who reach a mystic ecstasy. The perpetual rotation motion creates the disappearance of time and space; opening symbolically the door to a new reality, a portal to connect with the sacred, through ourselves. 

Note: Stroboscopic lighting effects are used in the performance.

Circus artist and dancer, Juan Ignacio Tula explores the possibilities of his device, the Cyr wheel. Through an exchange of forces and counterweight balances between the metal wheel and his body, expressed by the centrifugal force, a whole new field of possibilities and experiences is created inside the Cyr wheel.

How, in the simplicity of a rotative and repetitive movement, can the state of exhaustion encountered be portrayed on the body?

From the blindness caused by the wheel’s spirals, the survival instinct arises, where the body engages completely, close to the inflection point where everything is infinite.

With Instante, the stage turns into an altar, a desacralized ceremony. It is the materialization of this journey to the center of the self.




Kirn Compagnie – Tricot 

Two twin brothers - a very unique relationship.

The two brothers Lucas & Théo Enriquez share the stage with infinite joy and humour. Wonderfully fluent and breathtakingly acrobatic "Tricot" impresses with an exceptional research, movement quality and rhythm that is second to none.



Photo: Marie-Thérèse Cardoso
Photo: Marie-Thérèse Cardoso
