You can now apply to become a Twenty25 artist with the opportunity to have your work presented at the Spring Forward festival next year in Gorizia and Nova Gorica (IT/SI), and also by many of our Aerowaves partners around Europe.

Deadline for applications: 31 July 2024 at 5 pm CEST.

For further queries, please contact us:

Application tips

  • Read the eligibility criteria thoroughly before putting your application together.
  • Get your application in as early as possible.
  • Make sure the credits and the two texts (Description of the work and Biography) are written clearly and concisely in English. 
  • Give yourself plenty of time to upload your video to Vimeo – technical hitches cause stress, especially at the last minute!
  • Make sure the video of the work you are submitting is of the highest possible quality and correct length.
  • If you are performing the work you are submitting, before the  Aerowaves Annual Meeting  (20 – 23 October 2024), let your national Aerowaves representatives know, they will try to attend.

Providing your Video on Vimeo

  • Please upload your video to Vimeo (preferably in HD) and include the link in your application form. If you have a Vimeo Plus account please enable ‘download’ in the settings so we can download it. If you don’t then upload a version to Vimeo that is less than 500MB (to avoid paying a subscription), and send a bigger file (if available) via a service like We Transfer, to The ideal dimensions are 1920 x 1080 in HD, but please keep your file under 2GB – larger files will not be accepted. There must be a version of the work online, and we must also have a copy on file. We also accept YouTube links provided a copy of the file is also sent.
  • Use the privacy settings if you do not wish it to be public, but include the password in your application form.
  • Please include a 100 word biography and a 100 word description about the work in the description box of your Vimeo upload. Please include all credits. We use your Vimeo links to share with Aerowaves Partners before our Annual Meeting in October so they can do their homework!

Tips for Making Your Video

Since our selection process is assisted by watching a video recording, it’s really important that you think about how your work will come across.

  • The video should be a fairly simple record of a public performance of the work from beginning to end.
  • If you are applying with an edited version of a longer work, the video you provide must be of the shortened version. This version must be available for performance
  • It should include close-ups and wide shots – think about how best to represent the work in terms of details / angles / capturing the scale.
  • Promotional videos are not acceptable, nor are videos of any work other than the one with which you are applying to Aerowaves.
  • Please try and keep the size of the file to under 2GB.

Tips for Writing your texts
Bear in mind the text you will provide will also reflect your work. Thus, make sure you write clearly and concisely in English and that each text is no longer than 100 words. Make sure all these texts are suitable to be published.

  • Your work’s Description must be a marketing copy, which – in case your work is selected – will be used on the website and the programme notes.
  • Your Biography must reflect your career trajectory.
  • You may find further communication tips on 360 Communicating Dance.
  • A good quality copy will always help to put your work and your career trajectory in context and make it more attractive.
